Classic Mouse Pad : Star Cat


"Star Cat" takes place in a quirky, futuristic universe where a crew of Starfleet cats embarks on an intergalactic mission. Teleporting to a barren desert planet, they analyze alien plants and encounter peculiar creatures. The tone is light-hearted but still carries an adventurous spirit. The Starship is a sleek, metallic vessel with large, cat-shaped ears, giving it a humorous, yet high-tech look. Each crew member combines feline agility with Starfleet professionalism, creating a playful dynamic between exploration and curiosity.

More details

  • Soft 100% polyester surface 
  • Natural rubber base
  • Weight: 2.8 oz (79.4 g)
  • Size: 8.7″ × 7.1″ × 0.12″ (220 × 180 × 3 mm)

Quality Guarantee & Returns

  • Quality is guaranteed. If there is a print error or visible quality issue, we'll replace or refund it.
  • Because the products are made to order, we do not accept general returns or sizing-related returns.